Akhanda Yoga (Holistic)

It is a complete and balanced practice including asana, pranayama, relaxation, mantra and meditation as well as discussions and readings on the yogic lifestyle and yoga philosophy. This integral approach offers access to diverse teachings and techniques that the yoga system has to offer. When practiced and understood holistically, yoga becomes even more beneficial and helpful for humanity in bringing harmony and balance to our lives, families and to society.

Akhanda Yoga balances a commitment to body mechanics with guidelines for inner inquiry. During challenging postures, students are encouraged to smile or to find the inner smile, thus making non-competition and contentment true aspects of the practice.

Balance means including diverse aspects of the yoga tradition, balancing all of the directional movements of the spine in every class, as well as balance of effort and allowing, of yin and yang. The seamless flow created avoids any extraneous movements, and prevents disbalanced flexibility and disbalance or loss in the Pranic energy system.

Estilo: Hatha Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles
Costo: 12,50 GBP (Pound Sterling)


Martes: 19:45:00 - 21:15:00


Shrewsbury House Bushmoor Crescent, Shooters Hill London Bushmoor Crescent, London, SE18 3EG, Reino Unido

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Sundari Yoga

Hello and welcome to Sundari Yoga, located in Greenwich, London offering a range of Yoga Classes, Workshops, Retreats and Yoga Teacher Training in your area.

Sundari Yoga offers a range of Yoga classes including Akhanda (holistic) Yoga, Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, Classical Kundalini, Aquarian Kundalini Yoga, Hatha, Raja Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Face Yoga also Akhanda Yoga UK 200hrs Teacher Training and Face Yoga Teacher Training.

My journey within health and well-being began in 1994 in New York, as a Holistic Therapist. Since then I have studied and qualified in many different techniques and modalities. It is through my personal yogic practice that I have developed a balanced and inclusive style of yoga for all levels - allowing the students to flourish within their own practice and development.

Teaching Manifesto

As a yoga teacher my passion is to enlighten and heighten a nurturing flow of breath and create freedom in the body, mind, and spirit of my students. Integrating a vibrant sequential flow with the coordination of breath is an essential element of my teaching. Focusing on connecting the breath, the yoga class becomes a moving meditation, a dance of the inner self. Taking this one step further, I guide my students to investigate their true nature, honouring their own unique expression and explore how they are a small part of a universal tapestry, incorporating relaxation techniques in a positive and tranquil manner.

I encourage students to make personal choices during their yoga practice and develop skills to help them listen to their bodies. Leading my students to discover sensitive body awareness, establish a relationship with their breath, and encourage a compassionate and joyful attitude towards themselves and the world around them is my inspiration and mission as a yoga teacher.

Since 1994 when I began within the healing arts as a Holistic Therapist and an Ayurvedic Therapist these aspects dovetail beautifully and are an integral part of my teachings promoting the healing aspect of yoga. I strive to use eloquent language when I teach and value the beauty of clear communication as the key to greater understanding. My responsibility as a teacher is to constantly investigate new ways to present the ancient teachings I am sharing with others, guiding my students to explore the union between their mind, body and spirit and with this opens the door to self-discovery and illumination.

I will be happy to give you information and advice on the most suitable local yoga class for you.

Página web: http://www.yogsundari.co.uk/
Calificaciones: Yoga Alliance (E-RYT - 200), Yoga Alliance (E-RYT - 500), Yoga Alliance (RYT - 200), Yoga Alliance (RYT - 500)
Teléfono: 07919 143 194
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