Baby Massage in Carlow

Infant massage greatly enhances the early bonding relationship between parents and caregivers and their babies. By using gentle, tactile stimulation along with loving verbal communication, a wonderful bonding experience is shared. Strokes can be either stimulating or relaxing, depending on your baby’s needs and developmental level. Infant Massage benefits your baby in the following specific ways:

Colic & Wind
Emotional Stress
Aid Sleep Patterns
Soothes Baby
Build Immunity
Help Gain Weight
Aids The Bonding Process
Assists recovery from Post-Natal Depression

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Estilo: Baby Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles
Costo: 100,00 EUR (Euro)


Martes: 10:30:00 - 12:00:00


Baby Massage Carlow Shamrock Plaza, Carlow Town Shamrock Plaza, Carlow Town, Irlanda

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Ultima actualización 22 de Noviembre de 2014 a las 21:49 UTC

Yoga Classes in Carlow

I am a certified Hatha Yoga teacher YTTC , and also certified Pregnancy yoga teacher YTI and Mum and Baby yoga teacher, teaching for a number of years in both Carlow, and Dublin.

Página web:
Calificaciones: Irish Yoga Association
Teléfono: 085 741 28 65

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