
This class is suitable for complete beginners, or people with experience of yoga but new to Shadow Yoga.

Estilo: Shadow yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Principiantes
Costo: 12,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)
Costo para consecion: 5,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


Martes: 18:15:00 - 19:45:00


Globe House Yoga The Tanneries, Crucifix Lane London The Tanneries, London, SE1 3JW, Reino Unido

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Ultima actualización 22 de Noviembre de 2014 a las 21:48 UTC

Shadow Yoga with Oz

I have a busy and demanding job which I have been balancing with the practice of yoga for more than 20 years. I teach a two classes a week, one for
beginners, and one for students who have worked with me for a while. I encourage my students to develop their own practice at home so that yoga can become a permanent part of their lives.

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Calificaciones: BWY (Recognised Teaching Certificate)

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