Community Yoga

Estilo: Hatha Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles


Martes: 12:00:00 - 12:45:00


Maidenhead United Reformed Church (MURC), West Street, Maidenhead, England, SL6 1RL, Reino Unido

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Ultima actualización 21 de Junio de 2021 a las 11:29 UTC

Yoga With Wai-Han

I have been practicing yoga for over 15 years and I am very passionate about spreading the benefits of yoga. Not just for physical health, but also for our mental health.

We live in a world where we are constantly on-the-go; moving from place to place or meeting to meeting. Yoga allows us to connect with our body and mind, to restore and recharge.

It seems like nowadays, there is more and more emphasis on self-care; this is because we all need to be reminded to take more responsibility for our physical and mental well-being. Our health is not to be taken for granted but due to the busy lives we lead, we forget to take care of ourselves.

I trained with a very knowledgeable senior yoga trainer, Sam Rao. Not only have I have gained a qualification as a yoga teacher but Sam has also influenced my own yoga practice and mindset in many ways - he has been inspirational in my yoga journey so far.

My yoga classes focuses on enabling you to connect with your body and mind - the focus is on the breath and movements (yoga postures). Making it accessible for all, I always give options for different levels. Any necessary hands-on or verbal adjustments will ensure you practice yoga safely and to support those who are new to yoga.

Please do not hesitate to contact me of you would like to ask any further questions about my classes.

~ Yoga Alliance Professionals Registered 250hr Yoga Teacher
~ Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga 65hr
~ Teen Yoga
~ DBS Enhanced Checked
~ First Aid Certified

Public group, private 1-2-1 and corporate (inc. office yoga, team away days, hen dos) classes in Berkshire & Buckinghamshire.

Página web:
Calificaciones: Yoga Alliance (RYT - 200)
Teléfono: 07803085673
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