Evening yoga

In this weekly class we will use a variety of yoga styles and techniques to achieve a sense of well-being, calmness, balance, health, strength, flexibility, mobility and control. Using a solid foundation of alignment principles and technical precision found in Iyengar yoga, we’ll explore static postures (asanas), fluid movement with breath in the form of vinyasa flows, gentleness from Hatha practices, sun salutations to awaken the body and breath, restorative exercises to soothe, heal and calm, yin style yoga practice to help with flexibility of the more stubborn connective tissues, mindfulness to slow us down and bring us into the present, pranayama (breathing exercises) to regulate the breath and meditation practice to become better at understanding our “monkey mind”.

Estilo: Restorative Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Principiantes
Costo: 8,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


Lunes: 19:45:00 - 21:15:00


Cubbington CE Primary School, Church Hill, Cubbington, England, CV32 7JY, Reino Unido

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Samantha Russell - Warwickshire Fitness

After a wonderful career travelling the world as a professional dancer, an almost daily attendance at the gym led me to make a career of it and to teach group fitness.
Once I had the basic foundations in the world of Exercise to music under my belt, the fitness bug bit hard and the next decade saw me add several more qualifications to the list including Les Mills BODYBALANCE, BODYJAM, Sh’Bam and BODYPUMP, Level 3 Personal Training, Level 3 Mat Pilates, Step, Aerobics, Dance Fitness, (Zumba), STRONG by Zumba, Weight Training, a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo (World Taekwondo Federation), Blue Belt in Hapkido, training in Wu Shu Kung Fu and of course Yoga as well as a few other certifications to the ever-growing list.

My first encounter with yoga was via Les Mills BODYBALANCE. I loved how the yoga made me feel, physically and mentally, I loved how it helped my members feel better, and of course there was the obvious benefit of this being something I could continue to teach into later life.

Inclusivity is very important to me. I want everyone to feel safe and nurtured and leave feeling amazing and happy.

My (current) favourite quote:
“Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame.”
–B.K.S lyengar

Página web: http://www.warwickshirefitness.com/
Calificaciones: Other recognized yoga teaching qualification, The Register of Exercise Professionals, Yoga Alliance (RYT - 200)
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Contacto Samantha Russell - Warwickshire Fitness

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