Five Seasons Yoga

Five Seasons Yoga is a nourishing blend of flowing yoga sequences integrated with graceful movements from qigong and other warrior arts. Classes incorporate classical music and aromatherapy and conclude with a long guided relaxation (yoga nidra). Seasonal themes using poetry readings are used to deepen our connection with the natural world.

Five Seasons Yoga is designed as a rejuvenate practice to help support busy lifestyles and is suitable for all ages, sizes and levels of mobility.

My in-person classes are held at:

The Serenity Barn, Bascote, immersed in the heart of the Warwickshire countryside. This peaceful, cosy space is a dedicated yoga and pilates studio with rural views and underfloor heating. Mats, blocks, bricks, straps and bolsters are all available to use.

Estilo: Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles


Martes: 19:15:00 - 20:15:00


The Serenity Barn, 4 Bascote Road, Bascote, Southam, Warwickshire, England, CV47 2EZ, Reino Unido

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Ultima actualización 23 de Mayo de 2022 a las 13:29 UTC

Five Seasons Yoga with Su Menon

Welcome! Five Seasons Yoga integrates flowing yoga sequences with graceful movements from qigong and other warrior arts. These movement practices are balanced with deep rest, relaxation and aromatherapy. The sessions also work around seasonal themes which incorporate poetry readings to deepen our connection with the natural world. Five Seasons Yoga is designed as a rejuvenate practice to help support busy lifestyles and is suitable for all ages, sizes and levels of mobility.

​My work is rooted in Ayurveda also know as traditional Indian medicine and the 'sister science' of yoga. One of the aims of Ayurveda is to help us work with the qualities of spring, summer, autumn and winter through practices that enable us to self-care during these different times of year. When combined with an ayurveda based consultation, a more therapeutic approach can be used for optimal support. In order to make my service more affordable and accessible I have also just launched a Low Cost Holistic Wellwoman Clinic.

​My experience spans over 20 years in the health and wellbeing industry (lecturer, teacher trainer, manager and coach) where I have worked for gyms, health clubs, yoga schools and various training providers before setting up my own business. I am also a published poet and musician originally trained in the visual arts. Creativity remains at the heart of all I do and has shaped the unique approach to my work. For more info on my other creative projects please visit:

​I am registered as: a teacher of 1000 hrs with the Independent Yoga Network, a practitioner of a 1000 hrs with the Ayurvedic Professionals Association and as a Personal Trainer with REPS.

Página web:
Calificaciones: IYR (UK) Yoga Register - 500hr, Level 3 Yoga Diploma, The Register of Exercise Professionals
Teléfono: 07899940221
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