Hatha Yoga @ The Studio

This informal, friendly and fun class includes physical and breathing practice, yoga philosophy, chanting, relaxation and meditation.

My teaching style is relaxed, pragmatic and adaptable making its suitable for absolute beginners and more experienced yogis. I vary the classes to help students to find and practice at their edge, so that students leave the class feeling stretched, calm and happy.

Give it a try - come a long with a mat and blanket and see how you feel at the end of class.

Estilo: Hatha Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles
Costo: 12,50 GBP (Pound Sterling)


Lunes: 17:00:00 - 18:15:00
Miércoles: 18:00:00 - 19:30:00


SpringWood, Woodend Drive, Ascot, England, SL5 9BD, Reino Unido

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Ultima actualización 9 de Diciembre de 2022 a las 12:57 UTC

Hatha Yoga @ The Studio

My name is Gayl.

I am a qualified professional yoga teacher and yoga therapist. I offer small group classes in a studio overlooking beautiful woodland.

My passion is to help others to experience the benefits of yoga that I have enjoyed over my years of practice. Apart from the obvious physical benefits of regular practice, these include a feeling of inner stillness, being aligned, calm, peaceful, healthy and happy.

I teach classical “hatha” yoga which is an all encompassing style of yoga which uses a wide range of yoga postures and practices. Classes include physical asanas or postures, pranyama or breathing practices, yoga philosophy, chanting, relaxation and meditation.

I also run monthly online Rest-Relax-Refresh Yoga Nidra sessions via Zoom. This is an experience of very deep relaxation which promotes healing, physical and mental renewal.

Known for offering adaptations and variety, I cater for each student as an individual. My teaching style is relaxed, pragmatic and adaptable making its suitable for absolute beginners and more experienced yogis.

Página web: https://www.in8yoga.com/
Calificaciones: Other recognized yoga teaching qualification
Teléfono: 0776633096
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