Hatha yoga

Small, friendly classes, beginners welcome. Generally, a balanced practice with some flowing sequences and attention to posture and core strength. Instructions are layered to provide different options, depending on ability, and everyone is encouraged to work at their own pace.

Yoga is a great way to complement any aerobic exercise, such as running and cycling, and helps you to redress too many hours sat at a desk or in a car. The aim of the class is to help you feel calmer and more comfortable in your body so that you can live your life better.

£10 enrolled

Estilo: Hatha Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles
Costo: 10,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


Martes: 18:00:00 - 19:15:00
Martes: 19:30:00 - 20:45:00
Miércoles: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00


Westbury Village Hall, Playing Field Road, just off the A422, Westbury, Buckinghamshire, NN13 5LA, Reino Unido

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Eva Paoli yoga

BWY accredited hatha yoga teacher (since 2012).
I also teach baby yoga (trained with Birthlight in 2008) and baby massage (trained with Peter Walker at the Active Birth Centre, London in 2006).

Página web: http://www.evayoga.co.uk/
Calificaciones: BWY (Diploma Holder - Qualified Teachers), Other recognized yoga teaching qualification
Teléfono: 07970 659952
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