Mindful Yoga and Meditation

Estilo: Mindfulness Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles


Martes: 20:00:00 - 21:30:00


Speldhurst Village Hall, St Mary's Lane, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN3 0PR, Reino Unido

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Mindful Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation

I am a British Wheel of Yoga teacher and Mindfulness Level 2 tutor. I am also trained to teach Yoga Nidra. I have been practising yoga and meditation for 22 years and teaching for 9 years. I teach in the Classical tradition with body/breath/mind integration at the core of my teaching. My Mindfulness training is woven into each class. I teach yoga workshops, Mindfulness workshops, specialist yoga therapy classes at adult education, private classes in a village hall and one to one classes at home.

I aim to teach a classical, balanced yoga class, comprising plenty of warm ups, yoga asanas (postures) with adaptations and modifications where required, pranayama (breathing practices) and meditation and/or deep relaxation. The emphasis is on encouraging mindful self-awareness so that students practice to their individual ability, working to their edge and releasing tension and stress without striving.

Calificaciones: BWY (Diploma Holder - Qualified Teachers)
Teléfono: 07801 816542
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