(Mother must have had 6-8 postnatel check up and babies up to and before crawling)

A small class of mums and baby's in my home studio. Limited to 4 places..
The Core Zone is limited to 6.

Postnatel yoga class designed for mum and baby.
A wonderful opportunity for you as a new mum to ease your way back into exercise after the birth of your baby. Discover how yoga can help you stretch, strengthen and tone your body.

Whether you are new to yoga or reconnecting with it, these classes will restore your sense of wellbeing.

The morning sickness, achy lower back, and fatigue of pregnancy have passed. But for new mamas, a whole other different set of physical conditions often accompanies the bliss of loving your little creation. Luckily, a few simple yoga poses address the most common concerns. Our bodies are always in transition, so don’t think that you have to be exactly the way you were before pregnancy, but you can expect to be healthy, vital, and strong again. Mum's aren’t the only ones who can benefit from yoga; a few basic moves for your baby can make your infant more comfortable and calm.

Benefits of Mother and Baby Yoga:
Strengthening and toning your muscles, especially abdominals, pelvic floor and back.
Encouraging you and your baby to find time and space for relaxation.
Using the breath to increasing calm and confidence.
Improving your sleep.
Engaging and bonding with your baby.

Estilo: Baby Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Principiantes
Costo: 7,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


Miércoles: 10:45:00 - 11:30:00


7, Frog Lane, Upper Boddington, England, NN11 6DJ, Reino Unido

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Ultima actualización 21 de Febrero de 2017 a las 19:52 UTC

Lisa Valentine Yoga

A Yogi for 20 + years, I discovered yoga on my travels around the world in my early 20's. I chose to travel alone as at times I preferred my own company, quietly contemplating life and escaping from Trauma, I found so much healing in Yoga and Meditation. On my return I became a regular student at some well known studio's in London where my passion for yoga grew. It wasn't until much later though in 2009 just before I started a family I decided to take my journey further and qualified in Vinyasa flow 200hr TT in Ibiza with Still flowing yoga teacher training.
As a teacher I'm always learning and am inspired by so many teachers. I continue all the time attending regular workshops and training so I can share the journey that yoga offers with all my students.

My style of teaching keeps growing and developing over the years, every class I teach can be different, I often wait and feel everyones energy and adapt classes to suit the mood, one week might be quite dynamic and flowing, another might be slower and more alignment approached, throwing in the odd longer held Yin pose or a longer guided meditation at the end..!! No session is the same and thats why I love the freedom of Vinyasa flow.

Please view my website and current timetable as i have many new class's now.

Página web:
Calificaciones: Yoga Alliance (RYT - 200)
Teléfono: 07957 215495
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