Traditional Hatha Yoga Mixed Ability Beginners Welcome

The class begins with quietening and breathing, some students choose to put their feet and legs up the wall others choose to be in a seated position, anyway you feel comfortable is fine. This will be followed by some posture work, asanas. Postures are broken down into stages so you can work to your ability, be mindful to work to your own maximum. Be aware of your muscles working and feel them stretching but not to strain in the postures.

Hatha yoga promotes strength, flexibility and balance, this can lead to a sense of well being and many other benefits for the body and mind. The class closes with a guided relaxation, lying on your back on your mat, if that is okay with you, any other position is also fine. Relaxation allows your body and mind time to process the positive yoga energy you will have created during the session.

Please come in what ever clothes you like to be comfy and are suitable to stretch in, a yoga mat if you have one, there are some mats available to borrow. Some warmer clothes, jumpers, socks and a blanket if you wish for relaxation. You may also like to bring a bottle of water.

Please discuss any health concerns you may have prior to starting the class, knowing what health issues you have will help me best support you, practicing safely and responsibility.

Estilo: Hatha Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles
Costo: 10,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


Martes: 19:15:00 - 20:15:00


St Mary of Nazareth, 50 The Avenue, West Wickham, England, BR4 0DY, Reino Unido

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Traditional Hatha Yoga

I am a BWY Q level 4 trained Hatha Yoga teacher. I have a BSc Health Science Degree in Theraputic Bodywork and a Diploma in Refexology including Maternity. I am a mother of 3 and have been practising yoga since my teenage years. I owe much to my fabulous yoga teacher Zoe Knott who has been an inspiration to me over the last 15 years. A key area of my teaching comes from a point of safety, working with strength in asana's to enable us to take responsibility for our own health, protecting the body from the stresses of everyday life. We stretch, open and make space in the body, and by working with strength we create energy!

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Calificaciones: BWY (Diploma Holder - Qualified Teachers)
Teléfono: 07521920805
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