Yin yoga

Yin yoga is a quiet and simple practice that consists of a series of long-held, passive, floor-based postures (“asanas”). The cabin is ideally suited to yin yoga with its warm floor (it has underfloor heating!) and natural setting in the garden. In the summer, come and listen to the birdsong as the sun sets; in the winter come and enjoy the cocooning effect of the dark sky above (there are large Velux windows in the ceiling) and warm floor below. There are plenty of props (bolsters, blocks, blankets) to support you in every asana to allow you to fully relax and let go.

Estilo: Yin Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Principiantes
Costo: 10,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


Martes: 15:00:00 - 16:05:00
Martes: 19:30:00 - 20:50:00
Jueves: 19:30:00 - 20:50:00


The log cabin , Saint Mary's Road, Leamington Spa, England, CV31 1DB, Reino Unido

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Ultima actualización 26 de Febrero de 2019 a las 23:19 UTC

Yin yoga flow

I am a yoga teacher and massage therapist. I've been practising yoga for 25 years and have been teaching regular classes for over two years, specialising in yin yoga. I teach in my log cabin in my garden with underfloor heating - great for practising the sort of yoga I teach (mostly floor-based postures). I only teach small groups (max 8-10 people) and I have a really good understanding of the body through my massage therapy experience. I also run massage training courses, specialising in Thai yoga massage.

Página web: http://www.massageleamingtonspa.com/yoga-classes/
Calificaciones: Other recognized yoga teaching qualification
Teléfono: 07967751158
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