Ayurvedic Individual Consultation 17:30- 19:00 at Ayurveda&MeUK

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word meaning the Science of Life with its roots in the ancient scriptures of the vedas, this science is over 5000 years old. In fact it is the oldest system of medicine known which has influenced many medical systems since.

Ayurveda aims to treat the root cause of the illness by balancing our three doshas back to a natural balance for optimum well-being. True balance is only possible when we take a holistic approach and take into account the physical, mental, emotional and environmental factors.

Our bodies are controlled by three bio-energetic forces (dosha) that are made of a combination of five elements, ether, air, fire, water and earth. The doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha work together to maintain regular body functions and when in balance they maintain life. However when one or more dosha is out of balance due to wrong diet and lifestyle choices, it gives rise to various health conditions.

Modern medicine aims to cure illnesses by prescribing drugs to cure the symptoms of the illness. Though this brings fast pain relief, often the underlying issues are not always dealt with and often lie dormant. Today more and more people are turning to complimentary medicine for a traditional and holistic approach to healthcare. Ayurveda aims to treat the root cause of the illness and aims to bring equilibrium by balancing the three doshas to achieve optimum health.

"When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use, when diet is correct, medicine is of no need"
Ayurvedic proverb

How can Ayurveda help you?

Using natural interventions such as herbs, diet, exercise, yoga, massage, aromas, mantras, and meditation, Ayurveda can help prevent, treat and manage acute and chronic health conditions without harmful side-effects to restore the dynamic state of balance.Some common conditions Ayurveda can address are:

Stress and fatigue
Compromised immune system
Gastro-intestinal problems (IBS, constipation, indigestion, anorexia, acid reflux etc.)
Insomnia and disturbed sleep
Skin conditions
Respiratory conditions
Detoxification and rejuvenation
Weight management
Hay fever

~ Herbal Remedies are excluded from the consultation fee ~

Initial Ayurvedic Consultation (90 mins)

Your initial consultation will consist of an in-depth assessment of your general health, medical history, diet and lifestyle to discover your body constitution (Prakruti). Traditional techniques such as pulse, tongue & nail diagnosis and an inquiry into your current symptomatology will be used to draw a diagnosis of your current health imbalances (Vikruti).

At the end of the assessment, advice will be given for your condition with suggestible changes to your diet and lifestyle to suit your constitution and restore wellbeing. This session will help to you understand how you can reduce build up of toxins, strengthen your digestive fire (agni), promote calmness and boost energy. You will be given key action points along with notes on diet and lifestyle advice for your imbalanced dosha and when initial herbal remedies to integrate in your lifestyle

Follow-up Consultation (60 mins)

A follow-up session is recommended to monitor progress and further tailor the diet and lifestyle programme. You will also be advised on additional treatments and herbs to be taken according to your imbalance.

Online Consultation

We recommend that patients attend their first consultation in person when possible.
Alternatevely we are also able to offer consultations via Skype. Your herbal supplements are sent by post. We have patients worldwide and in London who take advantage of this service.

~ Herbal Remedies are excluded from the consultation fee ~

"Arogya Parama Labaha" - Health is Your Wealth!

AyurvedaMeUK is committed to bring awareness to the world on how body, mind and spirit are highly connected. To Share how to look after the body in relation to the surrounding environment improving our relationship to self-care through the ancient Veda lifestyle, still very accessible to a more modern period of time.

Estilo: Therapeutic Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles
Costo: 35,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


12:35 p.m. Miércoles 03 Apr 2019 - 12:35 p.m. Miércoles 03 Apr 2019


13, Onslow Gardens, London, England, N10 3JT, Reino Unido

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Ultima actualización 3 de Abril de 2019 a las 11:35 UTC

Beginners Kundalini Yoga Meditation & Gong Bath

Maitri Shakti Kaur is a devoted, dynamic and experienced teacher.

Maitri has been practising many styles of Yoga and Meditation including Kundalini, Iyengar, Jivan mukte, Restorative, Yin and Dru Yoga; exploring the art of mindfulness from the Zen Buddhist teaching of Thich Nhat Hanh and deepening her experience with 5 Rhythms which is a form of active meditation created by Gabrielle Roth.

Her interest on personal evolution brought her recently to take part of a course for a new technique called, the Metamorphic Touch, a simple and effective awakening massage that allows clients to experience their natural state of being letting go of mental and physical limitations.

Maitri feels her journey has reached a sort of completion attending "Beyond Addiction The Yogic Path to Recovery" in September 2015- 2016, taught and mentored by Sad Dharam Kaur. She is now supporting students with her knowledge and compassionate approach coming from her personal experience with a basic ayurvedic prospective and yogic lifestyle.

Maitri has trained as a Kundalini Yoga teacher with Sky in 2011-12, taught and mentored by Guru Dharam Kalsa.

In 2011 she has successfully completed a course with Siri Arti Kaur, founder of“Starchild”(Yoga for children age 4 to 16), bringing a creative and fun aspect to her teaching which not only children benefitted from but probably even more so her adult students. She complemented this training with the“Clown Therapy”course in 2009 for children recovering in hospital.

She has also been a certified Reiki 1 facilitator-healer since 2008 and attended level 2 in 2016 in Portugal.

Kundalini yoga has been the most powerful tool she has come across in her journey of self discovery through all the various disciplines she practiced and trained on, for the personal experience it gave her to inspire others in the same path.

Maitri has offered her service at a rehab centre - “Crouston Oak Lodge” and “The Passage” - a charities for homeless where she share the teaching to help on recovering from addiction with alcohol and drugs.

Complementing her yoga practice, she also teach how to integrate Ayurvedic nutrition into her students daily lives to improve the functioning of the systems in the physical, mental and spiritual body.

It is her wish that every living being, young or old, experience using these tools to heal themselves and to celebrate the infinite potential and truth that lies within each of us.

Página web: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=wwwmaitrikundalini.yoga
Calificaciones: Other recognized yoga teaching qualification
Teléfono: 07577642014
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