Intro to Ashtanga Yoga - 8 Week Beginners Course

Beginners 8 Week Course

Thursdays 6-7pm starting September 5th.

Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic and challenging style of yoga linking movement to breath. A set series of postures ensures a well rounded practice that will build both strength and flexibility and over time become a moving meditation.

Over this 8 week course you will learn the series, starting with the basics and learning how to progress each posture.

Suitable for anyone who is reasonably fit and willing to challenge themselves.

£60 for 8 weeks - Email to book your space.

Estilo: Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Principiantes
Costo: 60,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


6 p.m. Jueves 05 Sep 2019 - 7 p.m. Jueves 05 Sep 2019


The Natural Health Hub, High Street, Lymington, England, SO41 9AN, Reino Unido

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Ashtanga, Rocket & Yin Yoga with Zoe Porter

Zoe is a Senior Yoga Teacher living in Lymington and teaching classes in the surrounding area of the New Forest including New Milton & Christchurch.

Like most of the best things in life, Zoë discovered yoga by total chance in 2009 and fell in love with it. She decided the best way to immerse herself was to become a teacher to continually school herself and others in the path of Ashtanga Yoga. Zoë trained with the renowned Brian Cooper and continues to consider herself a student of Yoga first and foremost.

Ashtanga with Zoë is a wonderfully dynamic practice! Taught in classical sequence encompassing: physical Asana practice with Bandhas, philosophy, chanting and breath work. Zoë is a free spirit with a love for body art and spiritualism. Join her on the mat for a heady, vigorous Yoga practice coupled with soft, beautiful chanting and feel the magic flood the mind during relaxation afterwards.

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Calificaciones: Other recognized yoga teaching qualification, Yoga Alliance Senior Yoga Teacher
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