Monthly Deep Relaxation

These classes start with a few minutes gentle stretching and then you lie down for an hour’s guided classical yoga nidra, set to soothing background music.

This kind of relaxation is often referred to as psychic sleep because it releases stress and tension at a really deep level leaving you feeling rested and peaceful. People who practice regularly report that their sleep improves and that they feel better able to deal with the ups and downs of modern life.

There are only 9 spaces per session so you will need to book in advance to secure a place. Classes are 8pm - 9.15pm

Estilo: Mindfulness Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles
Costo: 10,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


8 p.m. Lunes 08 Ene 2018 - 9:15 p.m. Lunes 08 Ene 2018
8 p.m. Lunes 05 Feb 2018 - 9:15 p.m. Lunes 05 Feb 2018
8 p.m. Lunes 05 Mar 2018 - 9:15 p.m. Lunes 05 Mar 2018


Friends Meeting House, Limes Road, Egham, England, TW20 9QT, Reino Unido

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Patricia Cronin at 'the yogaroot'

Patricia Cronin has been practising yoga and meditation for 40 years and it is her own experience of the transformative power of regular practice that inspired her to leave a successful career in change management to become a full time yoga therapist.

Patricia has trained with yoga teachers from many traditions both in the UK and abroad, including Satyananda, Sivananda, Iyengar, Ashtanga and Vinyasa Flow and aims to bring the best of each to her teaching.

She has been teaching full time since 2009 and loves her regular yoga classes which focus on health fitness and fun. She is also a qualified Yoga Therapist and has a therapeutic practice working in NHS hospitals, private clinics, schools, for specialist need groups and one to one. She also trains yoga teachers.

Página web:
Calificaciones: Other recognized yoga teaching qualification
Teléfono: 07860 581108
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Contacto Patricia Cronin at 'the yogaroot'

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