Restorative Yoga - Rest and Renew

Deeply mellow - we'll open with breathing and some body awakening followed by supported asana. Let go of doing - enjoy being. Relax and submerge into a state of wholeness. Deep rest so vital to maintain balance in our over stimulated world. Come back to yourself. If you can relax you can sustain a more balanced state in your everyday life. Let the healing begin. Closing with yoga nidra - active rest.

This is a mat based class with lost of props and blankets, essential oils and other surprises.

All props provided.

Class size is limited. Pre-booking essential at

A real indulgence and a step away from the chaos.

Cost : £35

Venue : Mayflower Spa, 61 West St, Dorking, RH4 1BS.

Free parking locally.

Estilo: Restorative Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles
Costo: 35,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


2 p.m. Domingo 17 Nov 2019 - 4 p.m. Domingo 17 Nov 2019


Mayflower Spa, 61 West Street, Dorking, England, RH4 1BS, Reino Unido

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Ultima actualización 23 de Octubre de 2019 a las 16:31 UTC

Yoga Teacher and Yoga and Movement Therapist

Jo has been practising yoga for over 30 years and teaching since 2008. Originally practicing under the guidance of Barbara Currie and Ruth White at the age of 16 and from that time connected with the power of yoga and the major benefits yoga can have on your physical, spiritual and mental well being.
Jo's teaching style of Hatha yoga is flowing, fluid and rhythmic with a key focus on exploring and embracing who you are today. Practice with awareness. Listening to your body and find what makes you feel good. Leading from the heart and connecting to your inner wisdom.

Jo is an accredited British Wheel of Yoga teacher and a qualified yoga therapist registered with the Complimentary & Natural Health Care Council. First aid certified and fully insured.

With a deep understanding of yoga for wellness and how to use yoga therapeutically; all bodies are welcome to Jo's classes.

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Calificaciones: BWY (Accredited Diplomas), Yoga Alliance (E-RYT - 200)
Teléfono: 07968 774807
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Contacto Yoga Teacher and Yoga and Movement Therapist

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