Yoga & Tibetan Bowls

I am joining forces with the beautiful Charlie (Thyme with Charlie) to offer you a this workshop filled with peace, bliss and support in this mini 2 hour retreat.

​his session will start with a brief talk about Ajna (the third eye chakra) and we will work through a level 1 Anusara yoga flow (led by myself), based on activating this sixth chakra.

In Sanskrit, ajna means command or perceiving.

Ever feel stuck in the daily grind, and not see a clear path ahead?

Balancing this chakra allows you to see beyond the distractions that stand before you, and gives insight and clarity to create a vision for yourself on how to live in a way deeply aligned with your highest good.

Sounds good doesn't it!

The element of nature associated with Ajna chakra is light. It heightens our spiritual awareness - knowing that there is a time for endings as well as beginnings.

We will finish the class with some longer held restorative poses (during this section of the class Charlie may place bowls on you for some healing).

After we have settled into shavasana, Charlie will take over for a a beautiful Tibetan singing bowls meditation.

These magical bowls are one of the strongest musical instruments for healing with sound therapy and vibrations.

Tibetan bowls are said to ease stress, promote relaxation, and help with healing - I have experienced this first hand!

Estilo: Anusara Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles
Costo: 40,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


10 a.m. Domingo 23 Jul 2023 - medio día Domingo 23 Jul 2023


South Farnborough Junior School, Farnborough, England, GU14 6PL, Reino Unido

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Anusara Yoga Teacher Farnborough Hampshire

I am an Anusara ® Inspired teacher; my classes are uplifting and fun, with a friendly group of yogis.

Why I chose to specialise in Anusara is because it offers so much more than a physical practice. Each class has a meaningful theme, that sets the intention and attitude of the class, interweaved throughout them.

Some of my past course themes have included Movies, Song lyrics, Goddesses, the Chakras, Warriors, Ganesha, Fun Fairs and many more!
These theme helps to go deep into the spirit of yoga, inviting us to remember and celebrate that life, in all its glorious forms, is a gift.
Anusara also has a unique method of teaching. The Anusara Universal Principles of Alignment™ (UPAs) give students a blueprint on how to align the body, heart and mind, bringing balance.

We use these principles to allow you to develop your own unique alignment – it is not a one size fits all model, making the practice suitable for students of all levels. It is far from a one size fits all model, with each class individually crafted. Although I have a class plan I look at the students in the room and teach to what I see. The plan changes and adapts to the needs of individuals and the class as a whole.
We use lot of props in class to aid and to deepen the practice. Poses are made accessible for you by my clear instructions, the use of the UPAs & support from props.
Level 1 Anusara classes start with the introduction to the theme (which is carried through the class to make the yoga come alive), then some grounding breath work, the physical (asana) practice, and finish with meditation and savasana (where the magic really happens), making a beautiful well rounded practice.

Restorative yoga classes is suitable for all, regardless of your fitness or yoga experience. It is a truly restful practice of deep relaxation, where we hold yoga poses for a longer time using props like yoga blocks, blankets, and bolsters to hold the poses almost effortlessly. The meditative aspect of yoga is emphasised, stillness is a powerful practice.

My Qualifications

I qualified as a hatha yoga teacher with Ace Pittapan and then after discovering Anusara I retrained with a further 200 hours training to qualify as an Anusara Elements Yoga Teacher with Sarah Powell. I have since completed a further 300 hour advanced Anusrara teacher training and I am now an Anusara Inspired teacher.
Some of these trainings include;

Anatomy - Advanced Anatomy and Kinesiology - Adam Ballenger
Anatomy - Functional Anatomy Applied to Yoga - Julia Pearring
Anusara Teaching Techniques - Universal Principles of Alignment - Chaya Spencer
Anusara Teaching Techniques - Loops - Chaya Spencer
Anusara Teaching Techniques - Teaching with a Theme - Chaya Spencer
Anusara Teaching Techniques - Teaching with a Theme - Sarah Powell
Anusara Teaching Techniques - Adjusting - Rachel Bush
Mediation - Jayendra Hanley & Karen Sprute
Sequencing - Rachel Dewan
Tantric Philosophy - The Recognition Sutras - Jayendra Hanley & Karen Sprute
Pranayama - Rachel Dewan

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Calificaciones: Yoga Alliance (E-RYT - 500)
Teléfono: 07799262793
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