Autumn Nourishment with guest teacher Katy Appleton

12th October 2017, 6.45pm-9.15pm Lyne Village Hall, Chertsey.

I'm thrilled to welcome back for a second time this year, one of my main teachers and constant yoga inspire-rs, Katy Appleton.

Katy was one of my first 'teachers' albeit through the TV screen with her DVD featuring Geri Halliwell back in 2002. I loved the DVD and still love the sequences on there to this day. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to go to her classes, workshops, retreats and teacher trainings. For me Katy brings yoga alive and makes it an art. An art of combining detailed anatomy knowledge, poetry and heart based flows into a seamless dance of sensory delight. I love her and am blessed to be hosting another workshop, with Katy as my guest. I know you will love her too.


As Autumn enters, we can embrace the change in nature, life, and the body, this is the time of the year when we can celebrate abundance and all the good things we have as well as the skill of letting go. We will look specifically at the respiratory system and lungs, using this class as a sweet tonic when are usually most in need of some immune support. Through the physical asana we will take a ride through creative sequences sprinkled with twists like revolved half moon and revolved triangle, a camel inspired sequence will all build some heat and immunity. Moving sweetly into a seated lunar current where we can fall into the depth of opening through hip openers, forward bends and simple inversions. Earth this flow with delicious restoratives and a sweet blissful savasana.

Style: Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Ability level: All abilities
Cost: 35.00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


6:45 p.m. Thursday 12 Oct 2017 - 9:15 p.m. Thursday 12 Oct 2017


Lyne Village Hall, Lyne Lane, Lyne, Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 0AN, United Kingdom

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Last updated June 19, 2017, 7:49 p.m. UTC

Vernyoga - Yoga In Weybridge, Byfleet, Addlestone, Chertsey and Egham

Vernyoga is run by Vernette Butler who is a passionate wellness and movement coach with many years experience, that provides 1-2-1 Yoga & Pilates tuition, classes, prenatal, postnatal, baby yoga massage, Yoga therapy for back pain, post viral fatigue and menopause. Usui Reiki, massage therapies, breath therapy, relaxation therapies and personal fitness training.

Vernette has popular in person group classes in Weybridge, Byfleet, Chertsey, and Thorpe as well live classes online via Zoom and on demand videos on her website.

Please enquire about classes first as space at some venues is limited.

1-2-1 yoga sessions and therapies are held at your home or local park by appointment only.

Vernette is a Member of: Federation of Holistic Therapists, Yoga Alliance (E-RYT, RPYT, YACEP), Yoga Alliance Professionals (SYT). Trained with BWY, Sunpower, Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga, appleyoga, Leslie Kaminoff and Yinstinct Yoga. Vernette has written articles for Yoga (UK), Yoga and Health, Yoga Abode, Natural Health, Om Magazine and Positive Health Online.

Qualifications: E-RYT, RPYT, YACEP, Ab.Psych, Mdn.Psych, Dip.YTh(x2), Dip.YT200hr, Dip.YHlth, Dip.SYVC. Dip.Couns. Dip.NLP(x2), appleyoga I,II & pre & postnatal yoga, CSV Yoga Teacher Trained, Menopause /yoga trained, Reiki 1+2, CYQ L2 fitness, L2 Exercise To Music, Circuit Trainer Cert. CYQ L3 yoga Teacher, CYQ L3 Pilates, Zumba Instructor, First Aid

Qualifications: BWY (Recognised Teaching Certificate), Level 3 Yoga Diploma, Other recognized yoga teaching qualification, Sivananda Qualification, The Register of Exercise Professionals, Yoga Alliance (E-RYT - 200), Yoga Alliance Senior Yoga Teacher, Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher
Private teaching available

Contact Vernyoga - Yoga In Weybridge, Byfleet, Addlestone, Chertsey and Egham

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