2 hours of beautiful restorative and Yin yoga all set to soft candle light
Can be combined with an hour of yoga nidra afterwards for n additional £5pp
Please bring blanket, cushion, big socks, comfy layers and any thing else that you want to make yourself comfy and snugly throughout this practice <3

Style: Yin Yoga
Ability level: All abilities
Cost: 15.00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


6 p.m. Sunday 04 Nov 2018 - 11:08 a.m. Monday 05 Nov 2018
6 p.m. Sunday 02 Dec 2018 - 11:08 a.m. Monday 03 Dec 2018
6 p.m. Sunday 06 Jan 2019 - 8 p.m. Sunday 06 Jan 2019
6 p.m. Sunday 03 Feb 2019 - 8 p.m. Sunday 03 Feb 2019
6 p.m. Sunday 03 Mar 2019 - 8 p.m. Sunday 03 Mar 2019
6 p.m. Sunday 07 Apr 2019 - 8 p.m. Sunday 07 Apr 2019
6 p.m. Sunday 12 May 2019 - 8 p.m. Sunday 12 May 2019
6 p.m. Sunday 02 Jun 2019 - 8 p.m. Sunday 02 Jun 2019


muncaster road, ashford, England, United Kingdom

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Last updated Oct. 31, 2018, 9:42 a.m. UTC

Karma Connection Yoga, Pilates and Meditation

Please book via the website

Hi I'm Joe. I have been involved in the fitness industry all my life from dance classes as a child to teaching and practising for myself now. I have a BSc in Sports Science (hons) as well as qualifications in Hatha yoga,Yin Yoga, PiYo, APPI Pilates, swiss ball, OCR exercise to music & YMCA personal training.

I run Karma Connection which consists of classes, meditation & restorative workshops as well as UK and overseas retreats

“My passion for teaching Yoga comes from the positive physical, mental and emotional changes that I have seen within students.”

What Is Yoga? Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice, a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, relaxation and meditation.
When the body and mind are united, health and well-being can be achieved and a sense of balance restored.

Qualifications: Level 3 Yoga Diploma, The Register of Exercise Professionals
Phone: 07803907912
Private teaching available

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