Yin Yoga Master Class - Assisted Yin Yoga

Reconnect to the compassion of your heart with heart opening Yin yoga poses and Assisted Yin Yoga - partner work. A strongly supported and therapeutic type of yoga which help to remove stagnancies and discomfort in the body while regaining flexibility in all segments of the spine, legs and pelvis. Giving you the opportunity to experience Yin in a beautiful way, by working together, deepening the sensations, sharing, letting go and learning to trust.

Come and join Regina Kerschbaumer (SYT) for three hours of Yin Yoga, while she shares her warm teaching style and expertise. Regina trained directly under Paul Grilley (the God-father of Yin Yoga) in 2006. She regularly attends annual training courses with Paul & Suzee Grilley and Sarah Powers to keep her Yin Yoga teaching inspired and up-to-date.
Suitable for yoga practitioners of any level. For students and teachers who would like to gain a deeper understanding of the principles of Yin Yoga. These workshops count towards CPD for Yoga Alliance UK teachers.

3h CPD workshop for teachers. The Assisted Yin Yoga is wonderful added skill for yoga teachers in one2one sessions.
Investment - £25. Space limited - Book Soon.
Email Regina: regik@yogaorchid.com

Style: Yin Yoga
Ability level: All abilities
Cost: 25.00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


2:15 p.m. Saturday 25 Feb 2017 - 5:15 p.m. Saturday 25 Feb 2017


Purley Sports Club The Ridge, Purley The Ridge, Surrey, CR8 3PF, United Kingdom

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Last updated Dec. 18, 2016, 2:06 p.m. UTC

'Yoga Orchid'

Yoga Orchid is a business run by Regina Kerschbaumer, an experienced senior Yoga Teacher (YAUK) and Bowen Therapist with vast experience in leading classes, workshops and retreats in the UK, Greece, Ireland, Morocco, South-Africa and Goa. She is based in Purley and Croydon were she teaches regular weekly classes.

Regina has a unique teaching style which unites student and teacher in an atmosphere of fun and well-being, allowing them to explore the relationships between the body, breath and stillness... Teaching Yin & Yang Yoga with warmth, enthusiasm and clarity, enabling her students to visualise and work with the Chakras and Meridians within the inner body to awaken a sense of inner calm and healing. Regina trained directly with Paul Grilley (the “founder” of Yin Yoga) in 2006 and has regularly updated her knowledge of this transformational style of yoga through annual training with Paul & Suzee Grilley and Sarah Powers.

Yoga is as mentally and spiritually beneficial as it is physically beneficial - creating change from within - balancing the body, mind and soul. It is so much more than just an exercise class - enhancing every aspect of your life by promoting general well-being.

I am very grateful to my wonderful teachers: Ruth and John White, Paul and Suzee Grilley, Sarah Powers and Shiva Rea.
I hope to inspire my students, as they have inspired me. Come and join me on a journey where we use yoga to 'stretch into stillness and health'.

Website: http://www.yogaorchid.com/
Qualifications: BWY (Accredited Diplomas), IYA (UK) Advanced Senior, Other recognized yoga teaching qualification, Yoga Alliance (RYT - 200), Yoga Alliance (RYT - 500)
Phone: 07876133036
Private teaching available

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